2022 Rolling Request for Proposals

Key Dates

Applications Are Currently Closed

In prior years we have held a single fixed window for applications to open and close, with a single annual notification of acceptance. This year, we are accepting submissions for grants at any time throughout the year. You can expect notification of your submission status within four weeks of submission.

If your application is not time-sensitive - for instance, general operating support grants for fiscal 2023 - you can expect distribution of funds in late 2022. On a case-by-case basis, we may provide grants for accepted submissions immediately upon acceptance.

2022 Applications Closed on October 15, 2022

Grant Overview

We recommend submitting grant requests in one of three sizes:

  • Introductory grants of up to $10,000 for organizations that have less of a proven track record and are still working out the specifics of how they can be most successful.

  • Full grants of up to $50,000 for organizations with paid full-time staff, ongoing projects, and a history of effectively getting work done in their community.

  • Commitment grants of up to $500,000, distributed over three years, for organizations that have previously received Cherry Avenue Foundation funding and can make progress with the financial support for a longer-term plan.

Grants can offer any of the following types of support:

  • General Operating Support to support a pre-existing organization doing good work. This money can pay your salaries, rent, professional fees, and equipment costs for the work that you are already doing in your community in 2022 and 2023.

  • One-Time Projects to support a single idea that you or your organization has always wanted to do, but could never prioritize in your budget. Projects should be completed before the end of 2023, with no additional maintenance costs required in future years.

  • Long-Term Projects to get an idea off the ground that needs an initial burst of funding. These projects should be new to your organization, but you expect them to continue requiring financial support beyond 2023 as part of a longer-term vision.


Individual grants shall be based on merit, but need may also be a factor. In no event may race or religion be a factor in determining whether an applicant is qualified for a grant.

We are unable to support activities attempting to influence legislation, or participating in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.

If your request is accepted, a written summary of how your grant was used will be required by no later than January 31, 2024. Upon request, you may need to provide additional documentation, in order for the Foundation to ascertain and confirm expenditure responsibility.

Two categories of recipient are eligible:

  • Charitable Organizations: Tax exempt charities entitled to exemption from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • Individuals with charitable purposes: Individuals may make specific requests for funding so long as they adhere to the religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

We are especially excited to support grantees that focus on solving a specific, clear problem that is relatively deprioritized by other funders. We are hoping to support specialization, giving to organizations who know exactly what their community needs, and can expertly fill narrow gaps.

Grantees should be locally based in, and comprised of members from, the community they serve. We want to fund groups that can get supplies and support to people without “swooping in” to help from the outside. We fund groups who have built trust within their own community.


To apply for a grant from the Cherry Avenue Foundation, email apply@cherryavenuefoundation.org with your responses to the following questions as one or more attachments.

Section 1: Key Information

  1. Grant Title

  2. Type of Support

    Options: General Operating Support, One-Time Project, Long-Term Project

  3. Grant Size

    Options: Introductory ($10,000), Full ($50,000), Commitment ($500,000 over 3 years), or provide a different requested amount with explanation.

  4. Organization Name

    If you are serving as a fiscal sponsor, note FISCAL SPONSOR here.

  5. Year Founded

  6. Context / Background about your organization

  7. Summary of Request in 1 Sentence

Section 2: Organization Financial Status

Note for Fiscal Sponsors: These answers should only cover the fiscally-sponsored group, not your entire organization.
  1. Total Revenue in $

  2. Total Expenses in $

  3. How has your budget changed in 2022 compared to the prior year?

Section 3: Fiscal Sponsor

Note: If you are not acting as a fiscal sponsor, SKIP this section.
  1. Sponsored Group Name

  2. Sponsored Group Year Founded

  3. What percentage fee does your organization charge for fiscal sponsorship?

  4. What is the structure between you and the sponsored group? How do your staff, volunteers, or mentors work together with the sponsored group’s leadership?

Section 4: Your Request

  1. What activities will you be funding, who will do that work, and on what timeline?

  2. Who specifically will benefit from the work in this request?

    Use whatever categories are appropriate for your project – race, gender, neighborhood, disability status, income level, sexual orientation, immigration status, etc.

  3. How will we know your project was successful, and the money was well spent?

  4. What past work from your organization should we know about?

    Applicants are welcome to attach documentation or news about relevant prior work

Section 5: Additional Required Documents

  1. Prior Year Financial Records

    If possible, provide audited financial documents as per local state requirements. Otherwise, provide a standard Profit & Loss Statement.

  2. Fiscal Sponsor Agreement

    (only if applicable)

  3. Budget for This Request

    For general operating support, submit a concise summary of your operating budget.

  4. List of your key other funding sources

    Include major financial awards, grants, or corporate funding. Also list the total approximate amount received from individual donations.